I recently attended a wireworks ring class at Shiney Rocks in Bristol. I haven't done much wire work before so this was a good way of perfecting my technique while also getting some new inspiration.
We got to make six rings of two different types: button rings or cluster rings.
I have made cluster rings before, at the London Jewellery School, but the method we used here was slightly different which is interesting.
I have loved making the button rings and I'm definitely going to make more of those!
Many of us have loads of unwanted buttons hanging around. Buttons that came as spares to jackets, coats, shirts, etc. or buttons we've inherited from someone or buttons we bought for a specific project that never materialised... This is a great way to recycle or "upcycle" those unwanted buttons. And I think they'll be a great seller at craft fairs.
If you were considering getting rid of your buttons, please think of me. I promise that for any load of buttons you send/give me, I'll make you a ring in return. Send me a message if you're interested.