Sunday, 9 September 2012

Peacock earrings

I've been feeling quite frustrated lately. I have a head full of plans and projects but rarely the energy to match it. I'm also itching to get started on a load of baby makes, especially the nursery, but I have to wait until we've picked up our furniture from my sister's later this month. And we've been told that we're most likely expecting a girl (we are delighted!) but I want to wait for a definite confirmation from a scan in Belgium before committing myself to some gender specific makes.

I've started other projects, a set of screen printed baby grows and a knitted sleeping bag among other things, but I haven't finished any of it yet, meaning I can't blog about it. And so the little blog looks neglected for a while longer.

During one of my many sleepless nights last week, I found myself thinking about one of the pins on my Pinterest jewellery board. Don't ask me why that pin suddenly came to mind, especially as I must have accumulated hundreds of pins on there by now, all I know is that I had to try and replicate it and have spent a few hours lying awake and debating how best to do it.

I have an insane stash of crafty stuff and amongst it, a pile of colour plated wires. I must have bought those with a specific project in mind but as often happens, other projects took precedence and the purpose of the coloured wires has been forgotten. But hey, they were just what I needed for this project, proof that a well stocked stash always comes in handy :-)

After two mornings of wrapping a series of coloured wires around a bead threaded on another piece of gold plated wire, voilà: a pair of peacock feather earrings!

I didn't have any gold plated fishhooks in my stash so I made these myself. I do think the wire I'm using is a bit too soft for fishhooks though so I'll have to buy some proper ones next time I place an order for jewellery supplies.

The earrings look stunning, if I may say so myself, proper showpieces. I'd love to show them off with a nice party frock. But probably not this year, I'm afraid by the time the party season starts, only a tent will fit me!