Monday, 30 January 2012

Birthday bunting

I learnt a valuable lesson this weekend, don't ever get overly confident with your crafting skills. While most crafting projects are in practice simpler than they look, some seemingly simple projects may not be as straightforward as they appear!

My friend had organised a bake off for her birthday and I'd offered to make bunting. It looks really easy, how much work can it be? I told myself.

Well for one, I'd not factored in the time it takes to cut all the little triangles of fabric, then the time it takes to pin them all to the bias tape! A few hours of cutting and pinning later, I was eventually ready to put the sewing machine to work. Most of the instructions I found online recommend a straight stitch but I just couldn't make it work with my machine so I had to resort to a zigzag stitch. There was some swearing and cursing as flags folded themselves in two and I managed to sew one through both layers before noticing - nothing a seam ripper couldn't fix though.

I finished the bunting well in time (there was a moment where I thought I'd never be ready!) and my friend liked her bunting so all's well in the end. The silly thing is, I completely forgot to take a picture of the finished product!

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