Sunday, 4 March 2012

Feel the fear and do it anyway

What were your new year's resolutions? Do you even remember them? I do. This year for me is all about tackling my fears, big or small.

I've been in the UK for over nine years but in all that time I'd never driven a right hand drive.  Driving on the left side of the road has never really been an issue but the idea of driving a car fitted all the wrong way round simply terrified me! 

When we were in London, there was no real need for me to drive but now that we've moved to Bristol, it has become a bit of a necessity. So my Nr.1 new year's resolution was to get behind the wheel of our car and start driving the damn thing.

It's taken quite a few practice runs with hubby in the passenger seat but I am proud to say that I now drive our car. I'm still quite nervous every time I get behind that wheel, and I don't think I'll ever enjoy driving (I never did, not even in Belgium) but I'm gaining in confidence every day. 

In a completely different category, I was quite worried about knitting with different colours even though I have developed a real love for all things fair isle. But if I ever want to call myself an accomplished knitter, I have to get over this fear. Experience has taught me that knitting techniques often look a whole lot more complicated than they really are, you just need to know how it's done.

Luckily for me, there are plenty of people out there willing to help. One of those wonderful people is Staci Perry and her website,  I used her Bunny Slope Hat pattern and her excellent video tutorials to knit my first fair isle project.

I loved it so much, I decided to knit a pair of matching fingerless mittens. 

They were a bit of a challenge because I originally wanted to knit them in the round but that would have meant having to carry the pink yarn all the way around or knit the snowflake on both sides, which I didn't want to do. After numerous attempts which all ended up getting frogged, I eventually resigned myself to knitting them on the flat. 

The yarn is lovely and thick so it knit really quickly. The mittens took me just one evening for the pair!

It's true what they say, beautiful things can happen when you face up to your fears. Next on the list for me will be beating the sugar addiction!


  1. "Beautiful things can happen when you face up to your fears." Truer words have never been written. Good for you for going up against your fears, big and small. I'm glad you used the quote "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway." That book by Susan Jeffers changed my approach to life and love seeing how often that affirmation pops up. Its so powerful.
